Removing the Background
First of all, you load up 'Photoshop'. To do this you selected the 'start' button on your homepage clicked all programs and selected 'Adobe Web Premium C55.5'.
To load the image into photo shop we select the 'File' button, click 'Open' and find the image you want to manipulate and click it to select.
When ready to remove the back ground click the 'Quick Selection Tool' and begin to remove the background be holding the left button and dragging around getting as close to the person as possible. If you make a mistake by going onto the person, hold the 'Alt' button and press the left button to add more outline.
You then need to inverse the photo so that the person is selected instead of the background. To do this you click the 'Select' option the click 'Inverse'.
Then you're able to touch up the image by selecting the 'Refine Edge' option, here a panel will appear where you're able to detect the edges by clicking the 'Edge Detection' option. Here you can select a 'Radius' and start to refine the edges of your image then press 'Ok'.
After that you then inverse the photo back by clicking the 'Select' and 'Inverse'. Then you use the 'Move Tool' option and then click the background and press delete.
Save the image as a 'JPEG'
To insert the image into InDesign you click 'File' then 'Place'. You then select the image you want and press 'Open'.
To insert the image into InDesign you click anywhere on the document and the image will become large on the page.
To change the size of the image you use the 'Direct Selection' tool to change the size of the outer box and then the inner.
To then add more detail to the document you can add text, to do this you use the 'Rectangle Frame' tool to create a box. You then use the 'Type' tool option to insert text. You're then able to change the colour and outline colour of the text by selecting the 'Default Colour' option tool.
You then need to copy the image to put on another layer. To do this you need to click the box around the image you're copying, select the 'Window' button, click 'Layer' create a 'New Layer' and paste the image.
To then clean up the image a bit more you select the picture which is knows as an 'Object'. Then you select the 'Object' menu, then click 'Clipping Path'. Here you will see options, one will be 'Type', you then select 'Detect Edges' and click 'Ok'.
You can also add an effect to your object to do this you select the object, click 'Effects' then you can use a 'Basic Feather' effect which will smooth create a smooth edge to your object. Here you set the 'Feather width' to whatever suits you and select 'Ok'.
Once your design is complete you can then save.
It is good to see that you have uploaded the notes from the lesson successfully, Megan!